JTS Topology Suite version 1.12

Package com.vividsolutions.jts.noding.snapround

Contains classes to implement the Snap Rounding algorithm for noding linestrings.


Class Summary
GeometryNoder Nodes the linework in a list of Geometrys using Snap-Rounding to a given PrecisionModel.
HotPixel Implements a "hot pixel" as used in the Snap Rounding algorithm.
MCIndexPointSnapper "Snaps" all SegmentStrings in a SpatialIndex containing MonotoneChains to a given HotPixel.
MCIndexSnapRounder Uses Snap Rounding to compute a rounded, fully noded arrangement from a set of SegmentStrings.
SimpleSnapRounder Uses Snap Rounding to compute a rounded, fully noded arrangement from a set of SegmentStrings.

Package com.vividsolutions.jts.noding.snapround Description

Contains classes to implement the Snap Rounding algorithm for noding linestrings.

JTS Topology Suite version 1.12