JTS Topology Suite version 1.12

Package com.vividsolutions.jts.triangulate

Classes to compute Delaunay triangulations.


Interface Summary
ConstraintSplitPointFinder An interface for strategies for determining the location of split points on constraint segments.
ConstraintVertexFactory An interface for factories which create a ConstraintVertex

Class Summary
ConformingDelaunayTriangulationBuilder A utility class which creates Conforming Delaunay Trianglulations from collections of points and linear constraints, and extract the resulting triangulation edges or triangles as geometries.
ConformingDelaunayTriangulator Computes a Conforming Delaunay Triangulation over a set of sites and a set of linear constraints.
ConstraintVertex A vertex in a Constrained Delaunay Triangulation.
DelaunayTriangulationBuilder A utility class which creates Delaunay Trianglulations from collections of points and extract the resulting triangulation edges or triangles as geometries.
IncrementalDelaunayTriangulator Computes a Delauanay Triangulation of a set of Vertexes, using an incrementatal insertion algorithm.
MidpointSplitPointFinder A simple split point finder which returns the midpoint of the split segment.
NonEncroachingSplitPointFinder A strategy for finding constraint split points which attempts to maximise the length of the split segments while preventing further encroachment.
Segment Models a constraint segment in a triangulation.
SplitSegment Models a constraint segment which can be split in two in various ways, according to certain geometric constraints.
VertexTaggedGeometryDataMapper Creates a map between the vertex Coordinates of a set of Geometrys, and the parent geometry, and transfers the source geometry data objects to geometry components tagged with the coordinates.
VoronoiDiagramBuilder A utility class which creates Voronoi Diagrams from collections of points.

Exception Summary
ConstraintEnforcementException Indicates a failure during constraint enforcement.

Package com.vividsolutions.jts.triangulate Description

Classes to compute Delaunay triangulations.

JTS Topology Suite version 1.12