JTS Topology Suite version 1.12

Class MultiLineString

  extended by com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry
      extended by com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryCollection
          extended by com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.MultiLineString
All Implemented Interfaces:
Lineal, java.io.Serializable, java.lang.Cloneable, java.lang.Comparable

public class MultiLineString
extends GeometryCollection
implements Lineal

Models a collection of (@link LineString}s.

Any collection of LineStrings is a valid MultiLineString.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryCollection
Fields inherited from class com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry
envelope, factory, SRID
Constructor Summary
MultiLineString(LineString[] lineStrings, GeometryFactory factory)
MultiLineString(LineString[] lineStrings, PrecisionModel precisionModel, int SRID)
          Deprecated. Use GeometryFactory instead
Method Summary
 boolean equalsExact(Geometry other, double tolerance)
          Returns true if the two Geometrys are exactly equal, up to a specified distance tolerance.
 Geometry getBoundary()
          Gets the boundary of this geometry.
 int getBoundaryDimension()
          Returns the dimension of this Geometrys inherent boundary.
 int getDimension()
          Returns the dimension of this geometry.
 java.lang.String getGeometryType()
          Returns the name of this object's com.vivid.jts.geom interface.
 boolean isClosed()
 Geometry reverse()
          Creates a MultiLineString in the reverse order to this object.
Methods inherited from class com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryCollection
apply, apply, apply, apply, clone, compareToSameClass, compareToSameClass, computeEnvelopeInternal, getArea, getCoordinate, getCoordinates, getGeometryN, getLength, getNumGeometries, getNumPoints, isEmpty, normalize
Methods inherited from class com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry
buffer, buffer, buffer, checkNotGeometryCollection, compare, compareTo, compareTo, contains, convexHull, coveredBy, covers, crosses, difference, disjoint, distance, equal, equals, equals, equalsExact, equalsNorm, equalsTopo, geometryChanged, geometryChangedAction, getCentroid, getEnvelope, getEnvelopeInternal, getFactory, getInteriorPoint, getPrecisionModel, getSRID, getUserData, hashCode, hasNonEmptyElements, hasNullElements, intersection, intersects, isEquivalentClass, isGeometryCollection, isRectangle, isSimple, isValid, isWithinDistance, norm, overlaps, relate, relate, setSRID, setUserData, symDifference, toString, toText, touches, union, union, within
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MultiLineString(LineString[] lineStrings,
                       PrecisionModel precisionModel,
                       int SRID)
Deprecated. Use GeometryFactory instead

Constructs a MultiLineString.

lineStrings - the LineStrings for this MultiLineString , or null or an empty array to create the empty geometry. Elements may be empty LineStrings, but not null s.
precisionModel - the specification of the grid of allowable points for this MultiLineString
SRID - the ID of the Spatial Reference System used by this MultiLineString


public MultiLineString(LineString[] lineStrings,
                       GeometryFactory factory)
lineStrings - the LineStrings for this MultiLineString, or null or an empty array to create the empty geometry. Elements may be empty LineStrings, but not nulls.
Method Detail


public int getDimension()
Description copied from class: Geometry
Returns the dimension of this geometry. The dimension of a geometry is is the topological dimension of its embedding in the 2-D Euclidean plane. In the JTS spatial model, dimension values are in the set {0,1,2}.

Note that this is a different concept to the dimension of the vertex Coordinates. The geometry dimension can never be greater than the coordinate dimension. For example, a 0-dimensional geometry (e.g. a Point) may have a coordinate dimension of 3 (X,Y,Z).

getDimension in class GeometryCollection
the topological dimension of this geometry.


public int getBoundaryDimension()
Description copied from class: Geometry
Returns the dimension of this Geometrys inherent boundary.

getBoundaryDimension in class GeometryCollection
the dimension of the boundary of the class implementing this interface, whether or not this object is the empty geometry. Returns Dimension.FALSE if the boundary is the empty geometry.


public java.lang.String getGeometryType()
Description copied from class: Geometry
Returns the name of this object's com.vivid.jts.geom interface.

getGeometryType in class GeometryCollection
the name of this Geometrys most specific com.vividsolutions.jts.geom interface


public boolean isClosed()


public Geometry getBoundary()
Gets the boundary of this geometry. The boundary of a lineal geometry is always a zero-dimensional geometry (which may be empty).

getBoundary in class GeometryCollection
the boundary geometry
See Also:


public Geometry reverse()
Creates a MultiLineString in the reverse order to this object. Both the order of the component LineStrings and the order of their coordinate sequences are reversed.

reverse in class GeometryCollection
a MultiLineString in the reverse order


public boolean equalsExact(Geometry other,
                           double tolerance)
Description copied from class: Geometry
Returns true if the two Geometrys are exactly equal, up to a specified distance tolerance. Two Geometries are exactly equal within a distance tolerance if and only if: This method does not test the values of the GeometryFactory, the SRID, or the userData fields.

To properly test equality between different geometries, it is usually necessary to Geometry.normalize() them first.

equalsExact in class GeometryCollection
other - the Geometry with which to compare this Geometry
tolerance - distance at or below which two Coordinates are considered equal
true if this and the other Geometry have identical structure and point values, up to the distance tolerance.
See Also:
Geometry.equalsExact(Geometry), Geometry.normalize(), Geometry.norm()

JTS Topology Suite version 1.12