JTS Topology Suite version 1.12

Package com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.util

Provides classes that parse and modify Geometry objects.


Interface Summary
GeometryEditor.GeometryEditorOperation A interface which specifies an edit operation for Geometries.
GeometryMapper.MapOp An interface for geometry functions used for mapping.

Class Summary
AffineTransformation Represents an affine transformation on the 2D Cartesian plane.
AffineTransformationBuilder Builds an AffineTransformation defined by a set of control vectors.
AffineTransformationFactory Supports creating AffineTransformations defined by various kinds of inputs and transformation mapping rules.
ComponentCoordinateExtracter Extracts a single representative Coordinate from each connected component of a Geometry.
GeometryCollectionMapper Maps the members of a GeometryCollection into another GeometryCollection via a defined mapping function.
GeometryCombiner Combines Geometrys to produce a GeometryCollection of the most appropriate type.
GeometryEditor A class which supports creating new Geometrys which are modifications of existing ones.
GeometryEditor.CoordinateOperation A GeometryEditor.GeometryEditorOperation which modifies the coordinate list of a Geometry.
GeometryEditor.NoOpGeometryOperation A GeometryEditorOperation which does not modify the input geometry.
GeometryExtracter Extracts the components of a given type from a Geometry.
GeometryMapper Methods to map various collections of Geometrys via defined mapping functions.
GeometryTransformer A framework for processes which transform an input Geometry into an output Geometry, possibly changing its structure and type(s).
LinearComponentExtracter Extracts all the 1-dimensional (LineString) components from a Geometry.
LineStringExtracter Extracts all the LineString elements from a Geometry.
PointExtracter Extracts all the 0-dimensional (Point) components from a Geometry.
PolygonExtracter Extracts all the Polygon elements from a Geometry.
ShortCircuitedGeometryVisitor A visitor to Geometry elements which can be short-circuited by a given condition
SineStarFactory Creates geometries which are shaped like multi-armed stars with each arm shaped like a sine wave.

Exception Summary
NoninvertibleTransformationException Indicates that an AffineTransformation is non-invertible.

Package com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.util Description

Provides classes that parse and modify Geometry objects.

JTS Topology Suite version 1.12